
Friday, April 6, 2012

Wi-tribe live streamed Google Technology User Group

Wi-tribe live streamed Google Technology User GroupRegardless of the fact that Wi-tribe is not the number 1 WiMax service provider in Pakistan in terms of size, but we have seen it participating most actively in the technology related events particularly its consistency of providing live streaming of the events.
Recently, it live streamed first Google Technology User Group (GTUG) event held in Islamabad. The theme of the event was ‘Google Outreach and Innovation’ and it was aimed to promote Google’s latest tools for developers and technology lovers.
Speakers at the event gave an insight of what Google offers and how youngsters can benefit from its technology.

According to the press release, one of the speakers, Ali Fahd, Director of Marketing, wi-tribe Pakistan said, “GTUG is a great event that imparts knowledge about the latest Google technology. The event provided a great learning opportunity to Pakistan’s young and aspiring developers. With wi-tribe LIVE, our aim is to widen the outreach of such informative sessions, making them available online to as big an audience as possible. At wi-tribe, we pride ourselves on providing and promoting platforms that can act as key enablers for the development of Pakistan’s future technology leaders”

By taking such initiatives, wi-tribe aims to open doors of new possibilities for the diligent youth of the country. By creating limitless access to events like GTUG with live streaming, wi-tribe envisions a more technology advanced Pakistan where the youth becomes the driving force behind ICT development.

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