
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 Crucial SEO Tricks

5 Crucial SEO Tricks

Are you aware of these insights?

§         The quality and quantity of links pointing to your website or blog help in boosting your page ranking.

§         The excellence of your content makes it favourable to the users and search engines.

§         The relevancy and popularity of your chosen keywords allow you to gain that much-coveted top spot in SERPs.

§         There is a way to prevent other people from copying your content.

Additionally, the top three search engines – Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Search – have obtained approximately 2.2 billion total visits! You can just imagine the amount of queries that the users make.

Given this information, you must not take lightly the statistics that around 75% of individuals browsing the Web never go beyond the first page of query results, according to an online marketing report. Not only that, search drives more traffic to content websites than social media beating the latter by over 300%.

When you put these insights together, you can see the huge importance of high ranking in boosting your visibility and capturing the attention of your target audience.

So, how can you make sure that you land on the top page of search results? That is the question.

Well, the key is search engine optimisation (SEO). But more specifically, you need fundamental strategies to guarantee these results.
§         Land on the top SERP
§         Get quality traffic and repeated visits
§         Adhere to search engine guidelines

Top SEO Strategies

1. Boost page load speed
What do you think is the likely outcome if the users have to wait for several seconds before your site loads completely? The answer is obvious; most of them will leave the page and look for better resources.

Since you do not want to lose your target visitors, the first best thing you can do is to test your website’s loading speed using two techniques. One, you can access a particular webpage (maybe one that contains images) and measure its loading time. If it requires 2.9-5 seconds to load fully, 75-50% of other sites are faster than your website.

Another strategy is to conduct a speed test through Google PageSpeed Insights, a tool that tells you which elements are affecting the load speed and how you can remedy the problem. Some of these solutions usually include the following:

§         Take advantage of CSS sprites
§         Decrease image file sizes
§         Minimise the use of embeds
§         Lessen the installation of unnecessary plug-ins
§         Update software applications and other programs on the site

2. Create content

There is no doubt that the most vital element of a website is its content because without it, the users have no reason for visiting.

Generally, most components found on your site depend on its theme or type. If, for instance, you have an online store, your content would mainly consist of product images and short descriptions. You can also post articles; however, these must be relevant to your offers. If you are selling clothes, you can talk about fashion trends. On the other hand, you can write about infant grooming if you are providing baby products.

If you have a blog site, it would naturally consist of several blog articles, which tackle topics related to your niche. You can also add photos, videos, and widgets (though minimally).

Sometimes, content encompasses a “Frequently Asked Questions” or “FAQs” page, a poll or survey, reviews, user testimonials, etc. But no matter your speciality, you must always remember these essential pointers.

§         Never copy the work of other individuals. If you want to add a product description, create your own. And, if you wish to write an article, keep it unique.
§         Prevent duplication by using canonicalization.
§         Add fresh content regularly to keep your site timely and up to date.
§         Provide helpful and compelling insights.

3. Use keywords
Technically, this technique comprises of three steps. First, you research for relevant and high-ranking search terms. One good tool for such a purpose, especially if you are targeting a specific demography or location, is Google Insights for Search. Through it, you can determine the following:

§         which categories obtain more queries

§         which regions have higher interest

§         which keywords or key phrases are more popular

Through these results, you will know which words to target.

Alternatively, you can use other tools to find highly used search terms. Afterwards, you can create a list or set of main and secondary keywords. Then, you can incorporate these to the following:

§         Title
§         Descriptive URL
§         Article body
§         Meta description
§         Subheadings

4. Generate and earn links

You can create internal links to help algorithms search and index your website easily and to allow the users to check out various pages conveniently. To carry out this strategy, you can take note of the following pointers:
§       Submit a sitemap
§       Place anchor texts
§       Put a breadcrumb trail

Additionally, you can obtain backlinks (also inbound links) from authoritative and established sites to build your own credibility and widen your exposure online. Perhaps, the best way to acquire quality inbound links is to come up with valuable and compelling content, something that the other webmasters and several readers will want to recommend.

5. Use analytics tools
You cannot determine the amount of traffic directed to your website just by looking at the number of comments you have obtained. What if you have none, does it mean that you have not acquired any visitor at all?

Instead of making rough guesses, take advantage of analytics tools, which let you keep track of your site’s performance and provide you with essential data.

So, there you have top five crucial SEO techniques. With these ideas, you can ensure a good spot for your website on SERPs. As a note though, do not forget to abide by the guidelines of various search engines. This way, you will not end up at the bottom of query results.

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